The Quitters in Auburn, CA

Auburn House Concerts, Auburn

Reservations are required. Your entire contribution goes to the artists. Doors open at 2:30pm, music starts at 3:00pm. Call 530/492-5424 or email for reservations and directions.

We'll collect your $$ at the door. Please bring exact cash or a check made payable to Glenn Pomianek. All moneys go directly to The Quitters Trio.

We began hosting house concerts in the fall of 2007. Our house, LoughHaven, has a fabulous living room space, with hardwood floor and high ceiling, that is just made for music. We also know lots of marvelous musicians, so this is a perfect fit. If you have never been to a house concert then you must attend one, you're in for a treat! Seeing artists perform privately ‘up close and personal’ is a very different experience than you get in a nightclub or concert hall.

Minimal or no amplification is used, for one thing. The audience gets a chance to meet the artist after the performance. -----